Wednesday, September 22, 2010


"The storytelling process relies on a company's capability to make an emotional connection through their brand and to build target markets."
I added this blog posting into my final because if I were to ever be a Brand Manager. This part would be one of the most important, in my opinion. Throughout all visual communications of a brand whether it's advertising, marketing, branding, visual merchandising, there must be a story told. It doesn't have to be a fantasy story like Alice In Wonderland, yet an idea, concept, or identity that IS what the brand represents and what comes into the minds of the consumer.
Power For All Womankind will be all about women empowerment, Step Into Power will be the company's slogan. Advertisements will show a before and after, the woman that wear normal shoes and is treated badly at the club, work, and even home. After the woman steps into her Power For All Womankind shoes she is kicking ass at the club, demanding respect at work, and taking control of things at home. We will partner with artists and have advertising campaigns that show historic women of power wearing Power For All Mankind heels and flats.

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